Top 10 Ways to Make the Most of Winter Break (& bonus content: top 10 mediocre memes with vague relevance to the topics)
Hey hey peeps, it's ya girl Mad C and ya boi C Spitty, here once again to provide you with a straight up EXTRAVAGANZA of a Top 10 list. We're talking Top 10 things you can put on your winter break bucket list, things we highly recommend squeezing in during break so you don't wake up at the end of January with the realization that you spent two months eating, sleeping, and playing Among Us (it'd be pretty sus of us not to provide you with some good ideas to cure your winter break boredom). But to reinforce the fact that this isn't a "to-do list," but rather a way to enhance your break whilst still getting in some relaxation, we've added in some mediocre memes to kick things off right.
10. Learn a language with Duolingo
Behold the owl from Duolingo, FEAR HIM. Just kidding, no need to fear. There is a need to LEARN. Have you wanted to go to another country or simply want to know another language? Well, look no further. Duolingo is free and relatively comprehensive. They even have the language Klingon… yup, no lie. Duolingo is legit. Go ahead, do something with your winter break. Next time I see you, I expect to not be able to understand a word you’re saying.
9. Zoom/FaceTime with friends you can't see in person
Okay, we know it’s the end of a semester full of Zoom calls, and you probably don’t want to click on that little blue and white icon for at least another two months. But we promise, hanging out on video chat with your best buds during the holidays will be *way* more fun than that two hour lecture you had to sit through every week. Grab some hot chocolate, curl up in a blanket, and call your besties. It’s what a dystopian December is all about.
8. Donate blood
What better way to give back to the community than by giving LIFE. Blood SAVES LIVES! This is nuts. Very few people get the chance to save a life, but donating blood is something that soo many people can do. It takes around 90 minutes, but usually less. I have gotten in and out (of the blood donation center) in less than an hour. You not only get to save lives, but you get to meet some wonderful people. The phlebotomists have wonderful stories of how they ended up in their career and other donors can share their blood donation journey. I met an elderly lady who had donated well over 6 gallons of blood in her lifetime. You also get a nice little snack at the end of your donation. But please… don’t do it for the snack; do it for the people who need blood.
7. Put money in a Salvation Army red kettle
You’re walking out of a store. You hear bells. Turning, you see a merry looking human standing next to a red bucket. Unlike in other years, you’re both wearing masks; but not even your claustrophobic PPE can take away from that warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping out the less fortunate during the most wonderful time of the year. Even if it’s just pocket change, it really does help--especially now that not as many people are out and about to stop at those red buckets. Be the person that does stop when you see one. :)
6. Write a letter to someone
Write a letter. Not a Greek letter, a collection of words letter. I recently received one of these in the mail and it is refreshing. Express your thoughts, recount memories, and check in on someone. Who could you write to? A significant other, a great friend, or… old people. Old people love that kind of stuff, perhaps a little more than the typical younger person. Give back to someone and just write a letter.
5. Ask someone for an album recommendation and listen to the first one you've never heard of
I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I could say I’ve made the most of my winter break until I’ve found some new bops to carry me into the next semester. But how does one delve into music you’ve never heard of? Easy: consult a buddy. Ask a friend or family member for some of their favorite albums, and when they mention one you’ve never heard of, that’s the one! Put on some headphones, Google the lyrics, watch the music videos, listen with closed eyes--there are many ways to absorb some new tunes, but do it with purpose. Let yourself sink into the sound.... Trust me, it can be transformative. Well, unless your friend suggests Justin Bieber. Then you might need to reevaluate your friendship.
4. Ask a family member for a recipe and make it for yourself
“Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayana
History is valuable. It can inform us, persuade us, or even bring us to action. History is not just good for telling us what not to do, but sometimes it tells us what to do! Culture and tradition are built on the past. Some of this is to be celebrated and remembered like our family’s recipes!! Immerse yourself in your family’s tradition and find a family recipe from your relatives and then make it. Now you will be able to pass the torch on to future generations… and you’ll get some pretty tasty food out of it.
3. Read a book
I’ve got a trivia question for you: throughout interviews with countless millionaires and billionaires, what’s the most common thread among all of their daily lives? Yep, you guessed it! They read. And not just the back of the cereal box (I mean, partially because millionaires probably don’t eat much cereal). I’m talking novels, fiction, nonfiction, mysteries, self-help books, religious texts, science fiction, romance, drama… dudes, there are so many genres. If you don’t like to read, I am 99% certain it is because you just haven’t found a good genre for your interests yet. So take this winter to find it, and read it.
2. Go on contemplative walks (leave your phone unless you live somewhere sketchy then maybe take your phone but like keep the sound off also bring pepper spray)
What is the meaning of life? Are you walking the path you wish to be on? Have you been inside too long for your own good? Well, lucky for you there is something called walks. Mask up and go outside and walk while you ponder the great and deep things of the universe or even as you reflect on yourself. Leave your phone so you can be present with your thoughts and feelings to process through them (unless of course it is unsafe for you to leave your phone…). The walk also serves to benefit your physical health in soooo many ways from releasing endorphins, boosting metabolism, to improving sleep. So the real question you need to ponder is, why are you still sitting here reading this?
1. Choose one self betterment goal and make a plan to accomplish it
You know what it is. It’s that thing you’ve been saying you’re going to do, but you don’t have the time or discipline for it yet. The thing you set as your New Year’s resolution every year, but after a few weeks (or days... or hours...) you decide it’s just not the right time for it. But the thing is, we’ll never not be busy, we’ll never have the discipline, and we’ll never feel like it’s the “right” time to make a life change. And think about it, we’re in the midst of a pandemic that has made the whole world seem “not right.” You’ve had the discipline to social distance and wear an uncomfy mask to protect yourself and your loved ones. You’re in the middle of a time period where there are relatively less things keeping you occupied than there would be if the community wasn’t mostly shut down. With the vaccine, it shouldn’t be too long before things return to normal. So do you want to truly return to normal, or do you want to come back like a dang PHOENIX?!? Rise from the ashes of this pandemic with that goal accomplished, because gosh darnit you’ve got time now to do it.
Did you actually try one of our suggestions? Do you have a Top 10s topic you'd like to see us feature? Tell your Top 10s writers, Christian and Madeline, in the comments!
TL;DR - here are the ten best ways to make the most of your winter break this year.
- Choose one self betterment goal and make a plan to accomplish it
- Go on contemplative walks (leave your phone unless you live somewhere sketchy then maybe take your phone but like keep the sound off also bring pepper spray)
- Read a book
- Ask a family member for a recipe and make it for yourself
- Ask someone for an album recommendation and listen to the first one you’ve never heard of
- Write a letter to someone
- Put money in a Salvation Army red kettle
- Donate blood
- Zoom/FaceTime with friends you can’t see in person
- Learn a language with Duolingo
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