Saving money in college is hard, especially with the expenses of tuition and books, fees, and meals. Here are some helpful tips on saving the most you can and using your resources!!
- There’s not much time left to get some money for this school year, but it is still open! Filling out a FAFSA gives you the opportunity to get some money if you are seen to be in financial need. It’s worth a shot and is usually promising!
- Minimize the amount spent on textbooks
- Textbooks get super expensive; I had one this winter that would be $180 to rent from the bookstore. However, I searched the ISBN on Amazon and found it to rent for $80!! Not only did it come much faster, but I saved so much money!
- Search books online before purchasing. This semester, I found 3/7 of my books as PDFs online! It may not be much, but it saved me slightly over $100!
- Sell back any textbooks you HAD to buy
- Some textbooks only have the option for purchase. Do not let these books sit around and crowd your bookshelf, floor, or desk, and sell them back! It may not be as rewarding as a full refund, but they are worth something and will get you money!
- Print more papers on campus!
- I know a good amount of students also commute to Shippensburg. Save your time and money by printing off your papers or assignments in the library. An ink cartridge at home can cost big bucks, but it is only a few cents to print at school, and our cards have $20.00 loaded automatically to do so!
- For all the “new year, new me” people, use the campus gym/rec center!
- Save your money and skip Planet Fitness and use the gym you are already paying for!
- Lastly, don’t be scared to ask places if they offer a student discount! You’d be surprised that a quick flash of your Student ID can get you some serious bucks off!
All in all, saving can be hard, but is totally doable! I hope these tips help all of you save some serious bucks!
~ Paige
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