New Year, New Tunes

    Happy new year! I hope everyone had a relaxing winter break. I want to share a fun little Spotify project I threw together over break. Linked below is a playlist named Music Calendar. I researched songs that relate to each month of the year (either by song title or lyrics) and put them in sequential order. I had quite a ball making this one because I listened to so many songs and dissected lyrics to determine whether they made the cut.

    Some months were much harder than others to find songs for, as I tried to find at least 3 or 4 per month. March was the biggest struggle; I couldn’t find any songs truly about March, so I found cool songs with “march” in the title. March is my least favorite month anyways so I’m not surprised. Comment March slander below if you feel the same way. And no, “March Madness” by Future did not make the cut because that song makes me want to gag. I let the Drake song slide but it might get cut when March rolls around in five weeks, depending on my mood.

    Anyways, enjoy the playlist throughout the year or all at once if you desire. I highly recommend checking out the first two songs before the month is over, especially Alexander Oscar’s, which I’ve had on repeat this past week. Have a great semester friends!!
