Madison Cosey :)

Heyooo! I'm Madison Cosey and you're watching Disney Channel. Nahh, but those were the good ol' days. I am actually a co-chair for the Honors Commuter Committee. This year, I'm a sophomore Middle-Level Education major with concentrations in math and science. I am a resident of the southwest end of Greencastle, PA. The commute to campus is roughly a 40 minute drive for me, however the moolah I'm saving with this choice makes it worth it. (If anything I've amped up my highway driving skills so that's a win!) Some quick tidbits about me: I take photos and videos every where I go. Outside of teaching, multimedia communications is my passion. I'll include my Instagram link below if you wanna check out some of my work. I also love being outdoors and going on spontaneous adventures. Camping, hunting, fishing, yakin'... you name it! Music is also kinda my thang. Check out my Spotify post for some bop and banger recommendations. Thanks for visiting our blog and feel free to reach out to me with any questions or if you just wanna vibe.


Photo creds: Seth Sjoberg
